My offer to you

If you’ve landed here because you’ve lost your animal friend, I’m so sorry that you’re going through this sad transition now. 

Perhaps you haven't experienced the loss of a pet recently, rather it was ages go. Last year, or 5 years ago.

No matter. 

When we lose our animals friends, to old age or through sudden illnesses, through accidents or because someone left the gate open, we experience a deep and profound sense of grief. And very often, guilt. 

My job is to help you, dear animal lover, to come to terms with your experience and help you move through any confusing and unresolved emotions you're still experiencing, to a place of peace and love. 

I do this by connecting with your animal companion and intuitively reading the energy around the situation. I relay this information to you and help you understand the situation that is troubling you.

There are SIX ways that we can work together.

Animal Communication Soul Conversation ~
Especially for Animal Lovers wanting to understand
their animal companion

ONE Animal Communication Soul Conversation
How it works:
I tune into your animal's energy to answer your questions

This basic session is for you and your animal friend if:
• you have several questions around ONE issue which need answering
• you are having a hard time understanding behavioural issues 

PDF of detailed information from your animal companion, via email.

Distant Healing and Communication Session ~
Especially for animal caregivers and their
animal companions who need healing

TWO Distant Healing and Communication 
These sessions provide support and healing energy for both you and your animal friend through the end-of-life process. 

How it works:
I connect to your energy and the essence of the situation and send healing energy (Reiki) to you and your animal companion and to every aspect of the situation you’re facing. 

This is for you if your animal companion...
• needs an operation
• has been poisoned
• has experienced an accident and needs healing and rehab
• is moving to a new home, going in to quarantine, or changing stable yards
• has gone missing

PDF of detailed information from your animal companion, via email.
4 X Distant healing sessions (15 minutes each), with feedback via email
+ Additional healing sessions can be booked – discounted rate for monthly sessions

Intuitive Counseling Session ~
Especially for animal lovers who are grieving
the loss of their animal companion

THREE Intuitive Counseling session
How it works:
Once you've booked your session and given me a brief explanation of the situation that is troubling you, I will tune into your energy and get a reading on what needs resolution.
We will then have a coaching conversation where I help you unpack the situation that’s troubling you. I will be sending healing energy to you throughout this call

This is for you if:
 You are still struggling to come to terms with the loss of your animal friend, even though a considerable length of time has passed (3-6 months or longer)
• You are unable to accept how your animal friend crossed over into spirit. There are aspects which still trouble you
• You feel that you are unable to more forward with your life and you’re still stuck because of your animal friend’s passing
• You are struggling with guilt and you are unable to reach a place of peace and acceptance around you’re companion animal’s death.

• Distant Reiki healing sent to you for the duration of our call
• Intuitive insight into your situation
• Done via Skype

Crossing Over Soul ConnectionReading ~
Especially for Animal Lovers who
would like to know about their Gifts and Life Lessons
shared with their departed animal companion

FOUR Crossing Over Soul Connection
How it works:
I tune into your animal in spirit to answer your questions
This includes intuiting the Gifts and Life Lessons the two of you shared

This is for you if 
• Your animal friend has already crossed over and you have unanswered questions you need clarity on.
• You would like a deeper explanation and understanding of the bond you shared.

• An intuitive reading, with the answers to your questions, written up and included in the PDF booklet.
• A card reading 
• PDF ebook with the cards and their meanings and how this pertains to your specific human-animal bond with your animal friend
• Voice recording of the reading of the card spread

Animal Lover's Connection Package ~ Especially for
Animal Lovers who would like Pet Portrait and
Animal Communication session to commemorate
the life of their Animal Companion

FIVE Animal Lover’s Connection Package
1 Animal Communication session PLUS A3 Watercolour pet portrait 

How it works:
You supply me with good quality photos to create a portrait from (please read these photo submission tips here.)
You're welcome to send a list of 5-8 questions you'd like answered. I tune into your animal's energy to answer your questions.

This package is for you if:
• You'd like a pet portrait to commemorate the life of your animal friend, as well as an animal communication session to clarify any unresolved emotions and questions you still carry.

• You have a friend who has lost their beloved animal companion. This is the perfect gift for every animal lover.
Gift Vouchers available – great as last minute gift ideas and group gifts 

The Animal Empaths Soul Connection package includes:
An intuitive reading, PDF booklet with card spread and
explanation; MP3 recording of card reading and
a details Pet Portrait of you Animal Companion.

SIX Soul Connection Package
• includes an intuitive reading, with the answers to your questions, written up and included in the PDF booklet.
• includes a card reading 
• PDF ebook with the cards and their meanings and how this pertains to your specific human-animal bond with your animal friend
• Voice recording of the reading of the card spread
• Detailed PetPawtrait of your animal friend, from your photo.