
Energy healing for animals worldwide

Animal Empaths offered free energy healing to the followers of their facebook page in the days preceding October 4th – World Animal Day.

This is how it went

It’s the start of summer in South Africa. Sunday was hot, but the day started off with a cool breeze. Even though I live in suburbia, I’m lucky to be surrounded by so many trees  which are sporting their season’s new greenery. The birds contributed to the soundtrack of the morning and complimented the whale sounds I chose to play.

I chose two oracle decks and pulled a card from each. Aren't these perfect?

Once I’d set  up our sacred space, I drew the reiki symbols and set my intention: 

My intention is to use this opportunity to connect with animal lovers around the world and send love and healing light to all the animals in need, around our beautiful planet. 

I started our ceremony with the sound of the Tibetan singing bowl. I use this to mark the beginning and the end of my rituals. 

I invited in my guides and those high vibrating beings of the energetic realms to join us.

Taking a deep breath, I gave thanks for all my animals who I’ve had the  privilege of knowing and sharing my life with... 

... For all the wonderful, warm people who asked for healing for their animal friends, and the fact that these beings are loved and cherished.

I put my hands on my heart and focused on the love that connects all of us to each other, regardless of where we are. 

I imagined it expanding outwards, amplified by our hearts, as it spread around the world. Touching people, influencing lives as it was felt by all those who needed to experience some extra love in their lives. 

I started connecting with the animals whose plights I’m aware of. This is what came through:

I saw our planet’s largest animals and their energetic connection to each other... Whales to elephants, to polar bears; and then surprisingly, to crocodiles!

I don’t stop to question the information or guidance I’m receiving. I continued to expand the feeling of love and energy as it flowed from me. I trust that the information that's come through will be clear and make sense when I reflect on it later.


I had an aerial view of earth, quite close to the surface, so that I could see people and animals, but from above. The visual was quite bland in colour, with browns and beiges. As I watched, I saw the colour change on the earth’s surface and then start seeping upwards. Into the plants and up through the legs of the animals and people. The colour changed from a dark magenta to a lightness that eventually radiated everywhere.

The image faded to whiteness as I continued to sit and feel the connection and the energy flowing. 

I picked up the pages I’d printed out containing all the messages. As I read the name of each person and their animal friends, I imagined each of you, held in a ball of white, healing light.

With my hand on my heart I gave thanks again. 
I ended our beautiful ceremony by sounding the Tibetan singing bowl again.

When I reflected on the messages I’d received, the following information came through:

I saw our planet’s largest animals and their energetic connection to each other... Whales to elephants, to polar bears; and then surprisingly, to crocodiles!

In my mind’s eye, the first animal I saw was a whale, with a pink line that travelled straight to an elephant, then a polar bear and then to a crocodile.

The feeling associated with this was one of connection. I also go the word ‘grid’.

I took this to mean that the collective of each of these species is holding an energetic grid between them. This grid has multiple purposes. In a sense it felt like they are holding the blueprint for the energetic potential of our planet. 

Their wisdom, higher knowledge and compassion are all contained within this grid, and this energy is available to all of us at any time. All we need to do is sit quietly and intend to connect to this grid. This is one way to receive healing energy from the animals, but also a way to contribute energy back into an existing grid of compassion and healing which encompasses our planet. 

I wasn’t surprised when I saw Whale, Elephant and Polar Bear show up, but I was surprised to see Crocodile there. When I asked about that, I got the sense that Crocodile is teaching us to remain grounded, being so close to the ground themselves. This is a reminder to be grounded at all times. Even when we are hooked and then triggered by the harsh stories  of cruelty that we’re exposed to in the media and that we hear about in our communities. When we are grounded we are plugged in. Plugged into the earth, we experience a feeling of being present and aware of our body.

I had an aerial view of earth, quite close to the surface, so that I could see people and animals, but from above. The visual was quite bland in colour, with browns and beiges. As I watched, I saw the colour change on the earth’s surface and then start seeping upwards. Into the plants and up through the legs of the animals and people. The colour changed from a dark magenta to a lightness that eventually radiated everywhere.

This felt like it was a continuation from the first images I saw. When I enquired about the meaning of what I was seeing, I understood this visual to represent the raising of consciousness on our planet. The change of the colour, from magenta (dark pink) to lighter pink and then complete light, tells me that we are all part of the energetic change on the planet. 

Again, we can help this process by being present and grounded. As we raise our consciousness, so we will influence the environment around us and this will have an energetic knock-on effect as more and more people are influenced.

I felt blessed and so connected to all of you who joined us. 

Thank you, and thank you from all the animals too.


  1. Brilliant! Thanks for your blessings!

  2. Thank you Colleen for the healing love and light that you blessed the animals with.
    What a blessing!
